diff options
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/ahk-assistant.ahk b/ahk-assistant.ahk
index d4a95bb..86e0ef9 100644
--- a/ahk-assistant.ahk
+++ b/ahk-assistant.ahk
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ menu, tray, standard
^!e::Run ::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d} ; my computer
^!r::Run mstsc ; remote desktop connection
^!+r::Run mstsc /v:%serverRemoteAddress% ; rdp to a destination defined by variable file
-#t::Run cmd ; useful terminal
-#+t::Run putty -ssh -P %sshPort% %sshHost% ; remote terminal
-#p::Run putty
+#t:: ; overflow
+#Enter::Run cmd ; command prompt
+#p:: ; overflow
+#+Enter:: Run putty
RWin::AppsKey ; remap key for Rosewill keyboards
#\::SendMessage 0x112, 0xF170, 2, , Program Manager ; W-\ - screen standby
@@ -87,17 +87,14 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
RAlt & Up::Send {AltDown}{Up}{AltUp}
Alt & Enter:: ; overflow
Ralt & Enter::Send {AppsKey}{Up}{Enter} ; ralt-enter properties
- ^+Enter::Send {AppsKey}{Down 2}{Enter} ; C-S enter opens in new window
+ ^+Enter::Send {AppsKey}e ; C-S-enter opens in new window
F1:: ; overflow to rename, help is useless in explorer
F3::Send, {F2} ; rename for fun, nobody uses F3
F6::Send !d ; addressbar
^Backspace::Send ^+{Left}{Backspace} ; backspace a word
^f::Return ; disable search in explorer, was always pretty useless
- ^!+n::Send !fwt ; creates a new text file
^p::Send, !p ; C-p also works for toggle preview
- ^s::Send !vb ; view > status bar
- ^0::Send !vd ; view > details
^-::Send ^{WheelDown 2} ; zoom out
^=::Send ^{WheelUp 2} ; zoom in
@@ -122,12 +119,10 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
Send tech{Tab}12345678{Enter}
- Alt & Enter:: ; connect, paste IP, enter credentials, connect, download
+ Alt & Enter:: ; connect, paste IP, enter credentials, connect
Send {F5}{Sleep 250}{Tab 5}{Sleep 250}
Send {Tab}{Enter}{Tab}%necPort%{Tab 2}{Enter}{Tab}%necUsername%{Tab}%necPassword%{Tab}{Enter}{Sleep 250}{Enter}
- Sleep 5000 ; required for some reason, download window won't open unless split
- Send {F6}{Sleep 250}{Tab 4}{Enter}
@@ -288,21 +283,8 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
^h::send {Home}{Esc} ; return to capital city, then close home screen
-#IfWinActive ahk_exe DeadByDaylight-Win64-Shipping.exe ; dead by daylight
- *G::
- Loop
- {
- Send, {a Down}{a Up}
- Sleep, 50
- Send, {d Down}{d Up}
- }until !GetKeyState("G","P")
- return
- *H::
- Loop
- {
- Send, {Space Down}{Space Up}
- }until !GetKeyState("H","P")
- return
+#IfWinActive ahk_exe Teams.exe ; i hate ms teams
+ ^a::Send {End}{ShiftDown}{Home}{ShiftUp}
; text insertion/replacements
@@ -345,9 +327,6 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
Send, %workIPAddress%
- Send, %workSIPAddress%
- Return
Send, %workCBIPAddress%
@@ -363,9 +342,15 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
Send, %workPhoneNumber%
+ Send, %workPhoneNumberDDI%
+ Return
Send, %mobilePhoneNumber%
+ Send, %workMobilePhoneNumber%
+ Return
Send, %xmrAddress%
@@ -396,9 +381,6 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
- workLCRInsert()
- Return
Send, %A_WorkingDir%\Vault\
@@ -489,16 +471,21 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
-; typos and common mistakes
+; typos, abbreviations and common mistakes
+:*:afaik::as far as I know
+:*:atm ::at the moment{space} ; space is for when I type atmosphere
+:*:bbs::be back soon
+:*:bene ::been{space} ; space is for when typing benefit
+:*:brb::be right back
+:*:btw::by the way
@@ -510,9 +497,13 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
+:*:fyi::for your information
+:*:iirc::if I recall correctly
+:*:imho::in my honest opinion
+:*:imo::in my opinion
@@ -537,33 +528,22 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
+:*:tbh::to be honest
+:*:tbqh::to be quite honest
:*:teh ::the{space} ; space is for the rare occurence where I type tehran
+:c?*:ASAP::as soon as possible
-; general abbreviations
-:*:afaik::as far as I know
-:*:atm ::at the moment{space} ; space is for when I type atmosphere
-:*:bbs::be back soon
-:*:brb::be right back
-:*:btw::by the way
-:*:fyi::for your information
-:*:iirc::if I recall correctly
-:*:imho::in my honest opinion
-:*:imo::in my opinion
-:*:tbh::to be honest
-:*:tbqh::to be quite honest
-:c?*:ASAP::as soon as possible
; work related abbreviations
:*:ctsty::Called to speak to you, their number is
:*:gtacb::Called to speak to you, can you give them a call back?
@@ -636,18 +616,6 @@ workDatFile() {
-workLCRInsert() {
- digitsLCR := "010101"
- digitStart := "2"
- Send 1{tab}0-7{enter}{sleep 1500}{tab 3}
- loop 8 {
- Send c{tab}%digitStart%{tab 3}%digitsLCR%{tab}%digitsLCR%{tab}%digitsLCR%{tab}{sleep 150} ; 3.1.7
- ; Send c{tab}%digitStart%{tab 2}%digitsLCR%{tab}%digitsLCR%{tab}%digitsLCR%{tab}{sleep 50} ; >3.1.7
- digitStart++ ; increment digit by 1
- }
- Return
- }
insertDate() {
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyyy-MM-dd
Send %CurrentDateTime%
@@ -732,21 +700,9 @@ forceClose() {
Process, Close, %PID%
-searchCustomer() {
- global crmSearch
- backupClipboard := Clipboard
- Send, ^c
- Run, %crmSearch%%clipboard%
- Clipboard := backupClipboard
- backupClipboard =
- Return
- }
dailyNotes() {
- global workAddress
- companyName := SubStr(workAddress,1,InStr(workAddress,"`n")-1) . " Limited"
formattime, todaysDate,, yyyy-MM-dd
- noteFilename := A_WorkingDir . "\OneDrive - " . companyName . "\Notes\wfh\notes " . todaysDate . ".txt"
+ noteFilename := A_WorkingDir . "\Vault\docs\wfh\notes " . todaysDate . ".txt"
Run notepad "%noteFilename%"