diff options
3 files changed, 207 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e3ef028..978a4f8 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#physical and ip address replacements
+# contains firstName lastName homePhoneNumber workPhoneNumber mobilePhoneNumber homePostCode workPostCode homeAddress workAddress homeEmailAddress workEmailAddress workIPAddress workSIPAddress serverLocalIPAddress serverRemoteIPAddress and crmSearch
diff --git a/ahk-assistant.ahk b/ahk-assistant.ahk
index 4485790..948eced 100644
--- a/ahk-assistant.ahk
+++ b/ahk-assistant.ahk
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ SetScrollLockState, AlwaysOff
SetNumLockState, AlwaysOn
+#Include, *i %A_ScriptDir%\variables.ahk ;physical and ip address completions, only included if exists. See .gitignore for details
#Include, %A_ScriptDir%\functions.ahk ;all those long winded functions
-#Include, *i %A_ScriptDir%\secret.ahk ;physical and ip address completions, only included if exists.
#q::Run notepad
@@ -30,11 +30,13 @@ SetNumLockState, AlwaysOn
^!e::Run ::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d} ;my computer
^!r::Run mstsc ;remote desktop connection
#+t::Run cmd
-#y::send {end}{shift down}{home}{shift up}^v ;create youtube link from ID and bypass age restrictions
+#y::send {End}{ShiftDown}{Home}{ShiftUp}^v ;create youtube link from ID and bypass age restrictions
^!b::Run %programfiles%\TeamViewer\Version9\TeamViewer.exe
^!v::Run %programfiles%\TightVNC\tvnviewer.exe
#p::Run "%ProgramFilesX86%\PuTTY\putty.exe" ;putty
@@ -80,6 +82,46 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
;text replacements
+ insertRegards()
+ Return
+ insertKindRegards()
+ Return
+ insertEmailAddress()
+ Return
+ insertWorkIP()
+ Return
+ insertSIPIP()
+ Return
+ insertTelephoneNumber()
+ Return
+ insertMobileNumber()
+ Return
+ insertAddress()
+ Return
+ insertPostCode()
+ Return
+ typeSync()
+ Return
+ typeSyncDocs()
+ Return
+ typeDocuments()
+ Return
+ typeCygwin()
+ Return
@@ -114,59 +156,55 @@ Ralt & e::typeAcuteE() ;awful, awful workaround
;stupid fingers
;work stuff
-::ctsty::Called to speak to you, their number is
-::gtacb::Called to speak to you, can you give them a call back?
-::ctt::Feel free to close the ticket, I'll either update this or open a new ticket if need be.
-::sksu::Samsung OS7030 KSU
-::s2b::Samsung OS7030 2BM
-::s4t::Samsung OS7030 4TM
-::s4d::Samsung OS7030 4DM
-::s2d::Samsung OS7030 2DM
-::s4s::Samsung OS7030 4SM
-::sepm::Samsung OS7030 EPM
-::smod::Samsung OS7030 Modem
-::s2100b::Samsung DS-2100B
-::s7b::Samsung DS5007S
-::s14b::Samsung DS5014S
-::s21b::Samsung DS5021S
-::s38b::Samsung DS5038S
-::emg80a::LG eMG80-KSUA
-::emg80i::LG eMG80-KSUI
-::emg80b::LG eMG80-BRIU2
-::emg80p::LG eMG80-PRIU
-::emg80h::LG eMG80-HYB8
-::emg80c::LG eMG80-CH204
-::emg80w::LG eMG80-WTIB4
-::ipecs50a::LG iPECS-LIK50A
-::ipecs50b::LG iPECS-LIK50B
-::l9048::LG LDP-9048DSS
-::l9030::LG LDP-9030D
-::l9008::LG LDP-9008D
-::lip24::LG LIP-8024E
-::lip12::LG LIP-8012E
-::lip8::LG LIP-8008E
-::lip4::LG LIP-8004D
-:*:bte`t::BT Elements
-:*:btd`t::BT Diverse 7110+
-;tab completions
+:*:_ctsty::Called to speak to you, their number is
+:*:_gtacb::Called to speak to you, can you give them a call back?
+:*:_ctt::Feel free to close the ticket, I'll either update this or open a new ticket if need be.
+:*:_sksu::Samsung OS7030 KSU
+:*:_s2b::Samsung OS7030 2BM
+:*:_s4t::Samsung OS7030 4TM
+:*:_s4d::Samsung OS7030 4DM
+:*:_s2d::Samsung OS7030 2DM
+:*:_s4s::Samsung OS7030 4SM
+:*:_sepm::Samsung OS7030 EPM
+:*:_smod::Samsung OS7030 Modem
+:*:_s2100b::Samsung DS-2100B
+:*:_s7b::Samsung DS5007S
+:*:_s14b::Samsung DS5014S
+:*:_s21b::Samsung DS5021S
+:*:_s38b::Samsung DS5038S
+:*:_emg80a::LG eMG80-KSUA
+:*:_emg80i::LG eMG80-KSUI
+:*:_emg80b::LG eMG80-BRIU2
+:*:_emg80p::LG eMG80-PRIU
+:*:_emg80h::LG eMG80-HYB8
+:*:_emg80c::LG eMG80-CH204
+:*:_emg80w::LG eMG80-WTIB4
+:*:_50a::LG iPECS-LIK50A
+:*:_50b::LG iPECS-LIK50B
+:*:_l9048::LG LDP-9048DSS
+:*:_l9030::LG LDP-9030D
+:*:_l9008::LG LDP-9008D
+:*:_lip24::LG LIP-8024E
+:*:_lip12::LG LIP-8012E
+:*:_lip8::LG LIP-8008E
+:*:_lip4::LG LIP-8004D
+:*:_bte::BT Elements
+:*:_btk::BT Elements 1K
+:*:_btd::BT Diverse 7110+
;application specific hotkeys
#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass ;explorer
diff --git a/functions.ahk b/functions.ahk
index 69966d1..9e7ae09 100644
--- a/functions.ahk
+++ b/functions.ahk
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ typeDocuments() {
-typeVault() {
+typeSync() {
If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
Send %A_MyDocuments%\Vault\
@@ -247,6 +247,117 @@ borderlessFullscreen() { ;borderless fullscreen script from PCGW (http://pcgamin
+mstscSpecific() {
+ If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
+ {
+ global serverLocalIPAddress
+ Run mstsc /v:%serverLocalIPAddress%
+ }
+ Else
+ {
+ global serverRemoteIPAddress
+ Run mstsc /v:%serverRemoteIPAddress%
+ }
+ Return
+ }
+insertRegards() {
+ global firstName
+ Send,`n`nRegards,`n%firstName%.
+ Return
+ }
+insertKindRegards() {
+ global firstName
+ Send,`n`nKind regards,`n%firstName%.
+ Return
+ }
+insertEmailAddress() {
+ If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
+ {
+ global workEmailAddress
+ Send, %workEmailAddress%
+ }
+ Else
+ {
+ global homeEmailAddress
+ Send, %homeEmailAddress%
+ }
+ Return
+ }
+insertWorkIP() {
+ global workIPAddress
+ Send, %workIPAddress%
+ Return
+ }
+insertSIPIP() {
+ global workSIPAddress
+ Send, %workSIPAddress%
+ Return
+ }
+insertTelephoneNumber() {
+ If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
+ {
+ global workPhoneNumber
+ Send, %workPhoneNumber%
+ }
+ Else
+ {
+ global homePhoneNumber
+ Send, %homePhoneNumber%
+ }
+ Return
+ }
+insertMobileNumber() {
+ global mobilePhoneNumber
+ Send, %mobilePhoneNumber%
+ Return
+ }
+insertAddress() {
+ If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
+ {
+ global workAddress
+ Send, %workAddress%
+ }
+ Else
+ {
+ global homeAddress
+ Send, %homeAddress%
+ }
+ Return
+ }
+insertPostCode() {
+ If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
+ {
+ global workPostCode
+ Send, %workPostCode%
+ }
+ Else
+ {
+ global homePostCode
+ Send, %homePostCode%
+ }
+ Return
+ }
+searchCustomer() {
+ global crmSearch
+ ClipSaved := ClipboardAll
+ Send, ^c
+ Run, %crmSearch%%clipboard%
+ Clipboard := ClipSaved
+ ClipSaved =
+ Return
+ }
toggleAudioDevice() { ;toggle between default audio output (
switch := !switch
If (switch)