path: root/ahk-assistant.ahk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ahk-assistant.ahk')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/ahk-assistant.ahk b/ahk-assistant.ahk
index d17caca..1ca7b48 100644
--- a/ahk-assistant.ahk
+++ b/ahk-assistant.ahk
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ SetNumLockState, AlwaysOn
#q::Run notepad
^q::Send !{F4} ;quit most programs
-#+q::Run notepad.exe "%A_MyDocuments%\Vault\docs\faulties.txt"
-#w::Run firefox.exe
-#+w::Run firefox.exe -private-window
+#+q::Run notepad "%A_MyDocuments%\Vault\docs\faulties.txt"
+#w::Run firefox
+#+w::Run firefox -private-window
^!e::Run ::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d} ;my computer
@@ -39,15 +39,16 @@ SetNumLockState, AlwaysOn
#p::Run "%ProgramFilesX86%\PuTTY\putty.exe" ;putty
#c::Run calc
-#\::SendMessage 0x112, 0xF170, 2, , Program Manager ;win+\ - screen standby
+#\::SendMessage 0x112, 0xF170, 2, , Program Manager ;W-\ - screen standby
SC029::Send, 0 ;Backtick send zeroes
+SC029::Send, `` ;S-Backtick send backticks
^SC029::Send, `¬ ;C-Backtick send negations
RAlt & j::ShiftAltTab
RAlt & k::AltTab
-!^0::SoundSet +5 ;volume up
-!^9::SoundSet -5 ;volume down
+!^0::Send {Volume_Mute} ;C-A-0 volume mute toggle
+!^-::Send {Volume_Down} ;C-A-- volume down
+!^=::Send {Volume_Up} ;C-A-+ volume up
^!+Up::run %A_ScriptDir%\resswitch.exe /WIDTH:1920 /HEIGHT:1080 ;1080p screen resolution
^!+Down::run %A_ScriptDir%\resswitch.exe /WIDTH:1280 /HEIGHT:720 ;720p screen resolution
XButton1::Send {Click 2} ;remap logitech m570 x1 to double click
@@ -74,21 +75,53 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
-;auto replace text with symbols
+;text replacements
+; :c*:(e-)::é ;conflicts with C-A-e insert which is annoying
+Ralt & e::typeAcuteE() ;awful, awful workaround
-;text replacements
+;stupid fingers
;work stuff
@@ -126,8 +159,7 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
::lip4::LG LIP-8004D
:*:bte`t::BT Elements
:*:btd`t::BT Diverse 7110+
-;auto/tab completions
+;tab completions
@@ -193,8 +225,8 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
#IfWinActive ahk_class XLMAIN ;excel
^+v::Send {Esc}{Up}^c{Down}^v{Esc}{Down} ;ctrl+shift+v copies above cell into current
- ^F2::Send {AltDown}o{AltUp}hr ;rename sheet
- F3::Send {CtrlDown}f{CtrlUp}{Enter}{Escape} ;f3 searches for the same string again
+ ^F2::Send !ohr ;rename sheet
+ F3::Send ^f{Enter}{Escape} ;f3 searches for the same string again