path: root/ahk-assistant.ahk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ahk-assistant.ahk')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 325 deletions
diff --git a/ahk-assistant.ahk b/ahk-assistant.ahk
index ac7736a..4cfc2c3 100644
--- a/ahk-assistant.ahk
+++ b/ahk-assistant.ahk
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
SetWorkingDir %A_MyDocuments%\..\
-ProgramFilesX86 := A_ProgramFiles . (A_PtrSize=8 ? " (x86)" : "") ; pfx86 variable from
@@ -17,32 +16,29 @@ SetNumLockState, AlwaysOn
SetTimer, changeReload, 1000
Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_ScriptDir%\ahk-assistant.ico ; tray icon
#Include, *i %A_ScriptDir%\variables.ahk ; include physical and ip address completions, only included if exists. See .gitignore for details
-#Include, *i %A_ScriptDir%\buggy_mouse.ahk ; super useful for my logitech m570, only included if exists
; global hotkeys
#q::Run notepad
^q::Send !{F4} ; quit most programs
-#+q::Run wordpad
#w::Run firefox
#+w::Run firefox.exe -private-window
+#e::Run %A_WorkingDir%\Downloads
+#+e::Run %A_WorkingDir%\Vault
^!e::Run ::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d} ; my computer
^!r::Run mstsc ; remote desktop connection
-^!+r::mstscSpecific() ; remote desktop to a destination defined by variable file
-#t::launchTerminal() ; useful terminal
-#+t::Run cmd ; less useful terminal
+^!+r::Run mstsc /v:%serverRemoteAddress% ; rdp to a destination defined by variable file
+#t::Run cmd ; useful terminal
+#+t::Run putty -ssh -P %sshPort% %sshHost% ; remote terminal
-#p::Run "%ProgramFilesX86%\PuTTY\putty.exe" ; putty
+#p::Run putty
-^!k::Run "%A_MyDocuments%\..\Vault\docs\keepass\KeePass.exe"
#\::SendMessage 0x112, 0xF170, 2, , Program Manager ; W-\ - screen standby
^!\::DllCall("PowrProf\SetSuspendState", "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0) ; C-A-\ - system standby
#c::Run calc
-^!v::Run %ProgramFilesX86%\TightVNC\tvnviewer.exe
^!m::ControlSend, , {Space}, ahk_exe mpv.exe ; global hotkey to toggle mpv pause/play
@@ -56,12 +52,8 @@ SC029::Send, 0 ; Backtick send zeroes
!^0::Send {Volume_Mute} ; C-A-0 volume mute toggle
!^-::Send {Volume_Down 3} ; C-A-- volume down
!^=::Send {Volume_Up 3} ; C-A-+ volume up
-XButton1::Send {Click 2} ; remap logitech m570 x1 to double click
-XButton2::Send {MButton} ; remap logitech m570 x2 to wheel click
#LButton::WinSet, Style, -0x840000, A ; W-Click - remove window borders
-^!+Up::changeResolution(1920,1080) ; change screen resolution native 1080p
-^!+Down::changeResolution(1280,720) ; change screen res low-res 720p
!LButton::kdeMove() ; kde style window moving
!RButton::kdeResize() ; kde style window resizing
#Up::WinMaximize, A ; maximise
@@ -85,28 +77,25 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
; application specific hotkeys
#IfWinActive ahk_class #32770 ; misc save/load/time-date/find boxes and more!
- CapsLock::Send !{F4} ; quit
- F1:: ; overflow to rename, help is useless in explorer
- F2::explorerRename() ; rename commands
+ CapsLock::Send !{F4} ; quit
+ F1::Send, {F2} ; rename, help is useless in explorer
/::Send, \ ; forward slashes paths aren't accepted
!/::Send, / ; just in case you need an incorrect slash
#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass ; explorer
- CapsLock::explorerUp()
+ CapsLock::Send {AltDown}{Up}{AltUp}
Alt & Enter:: ; overflow
Ralt & Enter::Send {AppsKey}{Up}{Enter} ; ralt-enter properties
^+Enter::Send {AppsKey}{Down 2}{Enter} ; C-S enter opens in new window
F1:: ; overflow to rename, help is useless in explorer
- F2::explorerRename() ; rename commands
- F3::explorerCMD()
+ F3::Send, {F2} ; rename for fun, nobody uses F3
F6::Send !d ; addressbar
^Backspace::Send ^+{Left}{Backspace} ; backspace a word
^f::Return ; disable search in explorer, was always pretty useless
- ^+n::explorerNewDir()
- ^!+n::explorerNewFile()
+ ^!+n::Send !fwt ; creates a new text file
^p::Send, !p ; C-p also works for toggle preview
^s::Send !vb ; view > status bar
^0::Send !vd ; view > details
@@ -178,7 +167,7 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
^0::Send !vzp{Enter} ; fit to page zoom
-#IfWinActive ahk_class XLMAIN ; excel 2003
+#IfWinActive ahk_class XLMAIN ; excel 2003/2007
^+v::Send ^'{Down} ; C-S-v copies above cell contents into current
^!+v::pasteClipboard() ; C-A-S-v past clipboard as above steals C-A-v
^+n::Send !iw ; new sheet
@@ -193,6 +182,7 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
^0::Send !vz1{Enter} ; reset zoom
^-::Send ^{WheelDown} ; zoom out
^=::Send ^{WheelUp} ; zoom in
+ ^Backspace::Send {CtrlDown}{ShiftDown}{Left}{CtrlUp}{ShiftUp}{Backspace} ; C-Backspace deletes word when in formula bar, can't ^!LB due to it not releasing and deleting the whole line
#IfWinActive ahk_class wxWindowNR ; hydrus client
@@ -215,7 +205,7 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
#+o::Send, ^c^t^v{Enter} ; copy selected uri and open in new tab
^+o::Send, !t{sleep 150}o ; C-S-o options
F1:: ; overflow
- F2::tabSplit() ; split current tab from window and tile, kinda flakey and in need of improvement
+ F2::Send {Sleep 25}{Esc}{Sleep 25}{F6}{ShiftDown}{Tab 2}{ShiftUp}{AppsKey}w{Sleep 250} ; split current tab from window and tile, kinda flakey and in need of improvement
F7:: ; overflow
F6::Send ^l ; F6 jumps to address bar
+PgDn::Send {Space 4}{Down 5} ; scroll down to specific part of a specific page, not really
@@ -250,10 +240,7 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
#IfWinActive ahk_class WinClass_FXS ; civilization 5
-#IfWinActive ahk_class LaunchUnrealUWindowsClient ; viscera cleanup detail
- F11::borderlessFullscreen()
+ ^h::send {Home}{Esc}
@@ -280,46 +267,56 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
- insertRegards()
+ Send,`n`nRegards,`n%firstName%.
- insertKindRegards()
+ Send,`n`nKind regards,`n%firstName%.
- insertEmailAddress()
+ formatNumber()
+ Send, dial://^v
+ Return
+ Send, %homeEmailAddress%
+ Return
+ Send, %workEmailAddress%
- insertWorkIP()
+ Send, %workIPAddress%
- insertSIPIP()
+ Send, %workSIPAddress%
- insertRemoteMAC()
+ Send, %remoteMAC%
- insertTelephoneNumber()
+ Send, %homePhoneNumber%
+ Return
+ Send, %workPhoneNumber%
- insertMobileNumber()
+ Send, %mobilePhoneNumber%
- insertAddress()
+ Send, %homeAddress%
- insertPostCode()
+ Send, %workAddress%
- insertSync()
+ Send, %homePostCode%
- insertSyncDocs()
+ Send, %workPostCode%
- insertDocuments()
+ Send, %A_WorkingDir%\Vault\
- insertCygPath()
+ Send, %A_WorkingDir%
@@ -346,6 +343,8 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
; dutch and/or maxïmo park
@@ -356,6 +355,17 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
+; italian
; spanish
@@ -392,10 +402,13 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
@@ -406,13 +419,18 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
:*:i'::I' ; fix common casing
@@ -421,13 +439,21 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
:*:teh ::the{space} ; space is for the rare occurence where I type tehran
; general abbreviations
:*:afaik::as far as I know
+:c?*:ASAP::as soon as possible
+:*:atm::at the moment
+:*:bbs::be back soon
+:*:brb::be right back
+:*:btw::by the way
:*:iirc::if I recall correctly
:*:imho::in my honest opinion
:*:imo::in my opinion
+:*:tbqh::to be quite honest
; work related abbreviations
:*:ctsty::Called to speak to you, their number is
@@ -438,57 +464,6 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
; functions
-dirWorking() {
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
- {
- Run %A_MyDocuments%
- }
- Else
- {
- Run %A_MyDocuments%\..\Downloads
- }
- Return
- }
-dirSync() {
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
- {
- Run %A_MyDocuments%\Vault
- WinWaitActive ahk_class CabinetWClass ; wait for window to display
- {
- PostMessage, 0x111, 28715,,, ahk_class CabinetWClass ; enable list view to work around thumbnail no icons bug
- }
- }
- Else
- {
- Run %A_MyDocuments%\..\Vault
- WinWaitActive ahk_class CabinetWClass ; wait for window to display
- {
- PostMessage, 0x111, 28715,,, ahk_class CabinetWClass ; at this point, i just like list view
- Send, +{Tab} ; weird glitch fix where focus is on the sort columns meaning you need to press enter twice
- }
- }
- Return
- }
-insertRemoteMAC() {
- global remoteMAC
- Send, %remoteMAC%
- }
-insertCygPath() {
- Send, %A_WinDir%\..\cygwin\home\
- }
-launchTerminal() {
- IfNotExist, %SystemDrive%\cygwin\
- Run, C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -
- Else
- Run, C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -
- Return
- }
insertGateway() {
RunWait , %comspec% /c ipconfig > %A_Temp%\gw.txt,, Hide
ArrayCount = 0
@@ -516,7 +491,6 @@ insertSignature() {
insertFooter() {
Send, {Enter}
- Send, {Space}
@@ -582,6 +556,7 @@ formatNumber() {
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, -,, All ; remove hyphens
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, (,, All ; remove lbracket
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, ),, All ; remove rbracket
+ StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, •,, All ; remove bulletpoints
@@ -601,57 +576,18 @@ pasteTelephone() {
dialTelephone() { ; mondago/lg phone-link
backupClipboard := Clipboard
- Send, ^c{Sleep 50} ; sometimes won't work nicely without a pause
+ Send, ^c{Sleep 150} ; sometimes won't work nicely without a pause
Run, dial://%clipboard% ; send dial command, probably needs enable internet dialling to work
- ToolTip, Dialling %clipboard% ; flash tooltip showing number sent
- sleep, 1500 ; janky close function avoiding timers
- ToolTip ; close tooltip
Clipboard := backupClipboard
backupClipboard =
-insertSyncDocs() {
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
- {
- Send %A_MyDocuments%\Vault\docs\
- }
- Else
- {
- Send C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Vault\docs\
- }
- Return
- }
-insertDocuments() {
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
- {
- Send %A_MyDocuments%
- }
- Else
- {
- Send C:\Users\%A_UserName%\
- }
- Return
- }
-insertSync() {
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
- {
- Send %A_MyDocuments%\Vault\
- }
- Else
- {
- Send C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Vault\
- }
- Return
- }
cmdPaste() { ; pastes into cmd
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
MouseMove, 100, 100
- Send {RButton}p
+ Send {RButton}
@@ -667,53 +603,6 @@ explorerSplit() {
-explorerUp() { ;up one folder
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
- {
- Send {BackSpace}
- }
- Else
- {
- Send !{Up}
- }
- Return
- }
-explorerRename() {
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP ; deselect file extension by determining final . character
- {
- backupClipboard = %Clipboard%
- Send {F2}{CtrlDown}c{CtrlUp}
- StringGetPos,ExtensionPos, Clipboard,.,R
- if (ExtensionPos != -1)
- {
- Position := StrLen(Clipboard) - ExtensionPos
- Send, {CtrlDown}{Home}{CtrlUp}{CtrlDown}{ShiftDown}{End}{CtrlUp}{Left %Position%}{ShiftUp}
- }
- Clipboard = %backupClipboard%
- backupClipboard =
- }
- Else
- {
- Send {F2}
- }
- Return
- }
-explorerCMD() { ; open command prompt in current location, now with support for other drives but still a bit glitchy as ever
- backupClipboard = %Clipboard%
- Send !d^c ; jump to address bar and copy string
- StringLeft, driveLetter, clipboard, 2 ; extract drive letter from address
- Run, cmd ; run command prompt
- WinWaitActive ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
- Send, popd %driveLetter%{Enter}%driveLetter%{Enter}cd "%clipboard%"{Enter}cls{Enter} ; jump to a network drive location too
- Return
- Clipboard = %backupClipboard%
- backupClipboard =
- driveLetter =
- Return
- }
explorerHidden() { ; toggle show/hide hidden folders, stolen from
RegRead, HiddenFiles_Status, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, Hidden
If HiddenFiles_Status = 2
@@ -727,34 +616,11 @@ explorerHidden() { ; toggle show/hide hidden folders, stolen from http://www.aut
-explorerNewDir() { ; allows xp to create new folder from keypress
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
- {
- Send !fwf
- }
- Else
- {
- Send ^+n
- }
- Return
- }
-explorerNewFile() { ; create a new blank text file
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
- {
- Send !fwt{CtrlDown}{Home}{ShiftDown}{End}{CtrlUp}{Left 4}{ShiftUp} ;new text file, and deselect file extension
- }
- Else
- {
- Send !fwt ;clever windows 7 already knows to skip file extensions
- }
- Return
- }
excelFormulaBar() { ;jumps to formula bar
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
MouseMove, 250, 65
- Send {LButton}
+ ; Send {LButton}{End}{ShiftDown}{Home}{ShiftUp}
+ Send {LButton}{End}
@@ -765,96 +631,9 @@ borderlessFullscreen() { ;borderless fullscreen script from PCGW (http://pcgamin
-mstscSpecific() {
- global serverRemoteIPAddress
- Run mstsc /v:%serverRemoteIPAddress%
- Return
- }
-insertRegards() {
- global firstName
- Send,`n`nRegards,`n%firstName%.
- Return
- }
-insertKindRegards() {
- global firstName
- Send,`n`nKind regards,`n%firstName%.
- Return
- }
-insertEmailAddress() {
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
- {
- global workEmailAddress
- Send, %workEmailAddress%
- }
- Else
- {
- global homeEmailAddress
- Send, %homeEmailAddress%
- }
- Return
- }
-insertWorkIP() {
- global workIPAddress
- Send, %workIPAddress%
- Return
- }
-insertSIPIP() {
- global workSIPAddress
- Send, %workSIPAddress%
- Return
- }
-insertTelephoneNumber() {
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
- {
- global workPhoneNumber
- Send, %workPhoneNumber%
- }
- Else
- {
- global homePhoneNumber
- Send, %homePhoneNumber%
- }
- Return
- }
-insertMobileNumber() {
- global mobilePhoneNumber
- Send, %mobilePhoneNumber%
- Return
- }
-insertAddress() {
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
- {
- global workAddress
- Send, %workAddress%
- }
- Else
- {
- global homeAddress
- Send, %homeAddress%
- }
- Return
- }
-insertPostCode() {
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_XP
- {
- global workPostCode
- Send, %workPostCode%
- }
- Else
- {
- global homePostCode
- Send, %homePostCode%
- }
- Return
+forceClose() {
+ WinGet, PID, PID, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
+ Process, Close, %PID%
searchCustomer() {
@@ -898,23 +677,6 @@ winSplitH() { ;split active and previous window on top of each other
Send {Sleep 15}{AltDown}{Tab}{AltUp}
-tabSplit() {
- Tile("L") ;tiles left
- Send {Sleep 50}{Esc}{F6}{ShiftDown}{Tab 2}{ShiftUp}{AppsKey}w{Sleep 250} ;break off current tab
- WinMaximize, A ;fixes black borders on bottom
- Tile("R") ;tiles right
- Return ;and you're back in the room
- }
-changeResolution(w,h) {
- VarSetCapacity(dM,156,0)
- NumPut(156,dM,36)
- NumPut(0x5c0000,dM,40)
- NumPut(w,dM,108)
- NumPut(h,dM,112)
- DllCall( "ChangeDisplaySettingsA", UInt,&dM, UInt,0 )
- }
kdeMove() { ;kde-windows (Easy Window Dragging -- KDE style (requires XP/2k/NT) -- by Jonny)
WinGet,KDE_Win,MinMax,ahk_id %KDE_id%