path: root/ahk-assistant.ahk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ahk-assistant.ahk')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/ahk-assistant.ahk b/ahk-assistant.ahk
index 7091c8f..5c127cb 100644
--- a/ahk-assistant.ahk
+++ b/ahk-assistant.ahk
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ SetNumLockState, AlwaysOn
^!b::Run %programfiles%\TeamViewer\Version9\TeamViewer.exe
-^!v::Run %programfiles%\TightVNC\tvnviewer.exe
+^!v::Run %ProgramFilesX86%\TightVNC\tvnviewer.exe
#c::Run calc
#\::SendMessage 0x112, 0xF170, 2, , Program Manager ;W-\ - screen standby
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ RAlt & k::AltTab
!^0::Send {Volume_Mute} ;C-A-0 volume mute toggle
!^-::Send {Volume_Down 3} ;C-A-- volume down
!^=::Send {Volume_Up 3} ;C-A-+ volume up
-^!+Up::run %A_ScriptDir%\resswitch.exe /WIDTH:1920 /HEIGHT:1080 ;1080p screen resolution
-^!+Down::run %A_ScriptDir%\resswitch.exe /WIDTH:1280 /HEIGHT:720 ;720p screen resolution
XButton1::Send {Click 2} ;remap logitech m570 x1 to double click
XButton2::Send {MButton} ;remap logitech m570 x2 to wheel click
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
;work stuff
:*:ctsty::Called to speak to you, their number is
:*:gtacb::Called to speak to you, can you give them a call back?
@@ -204,14 +205,15 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
:*:s21b::Samsung DS5021S
:*:s38b::Samsung DS5038S
:*:emg80a::LG eMG80-KSUA
+:*:emg80e::LG eMG80-EKSU
:*:emg80i::LG eMG80-KSUI
:*:emg80b::LG eMG80-BRIU2
:*:emg80p::LG eMG80-PRIU
:*:emg80h::LG eMG80-HYB8
:*:emg80c::LG eMG80-CH204
:*:emg80w::LG eMG80-WTIB4
-:*:50a::LG iPECS-LIK50A
-:*:50b::LG iPECS-LIK50B
+:*:i50a::LG iPECS-LIK50A
+:*:i50b::LG iPECS-LIK50B
:*:l9048::LG LDP-9048DSS
:*:l9030::LG LDP-9030D
:*:l9008::LG LDP-9008D
@@ -303,6 +305,7 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
#IfWinActive ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32 ;outlook
^Enter::Return ;disable accidentally send email shortcut
^f::Send ^e ;C-f finds instead of forwards
+ ^t::Send !go ;C-t goes to today, on calendar view
#IfWinActive ahk_class XLMAIN ;excel
@@ -341,19 +344,12 @@ Insert::appendClipboard()
^!d::Send ^j ;why Downloads is ctrl+j while addons is ctrl+alt+a will never make sense
^d::Send ^f ;bookmark remapped to find
^b::Send ^v ;replace bookmarks with paste
+ #o::Send, ^c{F6}^v{Enter} ;copy selected uri and open, right click option fails to recognise ~50% of what I try
+ ^+o::Send !to ;C-S-o options
F1:: ;overflow
- F2:: ;split current tab from window and tile, kinda flakey and in need of improvement
- Tile("L") ;tiles left
- Sleep 25 ;waits for tile to finish
- Send {Esc}{F6}+{Tab 2}{AppsKey}w ;break off current tab
- Sleep 250 ;wait for firefox to catch up
- WinMaximize, A ;fixes black borders on bottom
- Tile("R") ;tiles right
- Return ;and you're back in the room
+ F2::tabSplit() ;split current tab from window and tile, kinda flakey and in need of improvement
F6::Send ^l ;F6 jumps to address bar
- ^+o::Send !to ;C-S-o options
- #o::Send, ^c{F6}^v{Enter} ;copy selected uri and open, right click option fails to recognise ~50% of what I try
- +PgDn::Send {Space 4}{Down 7} ;scroll down to specific part of a specific page, not really
+ +PgDn::Send {Space 4}{Down 5} ;scroll down to specific part of a specific page, not really
+PgUp::Send {Home} ;makes sense, kinda
Ralt & Enter:: ;overflow
Alt & Enter::toggleFullscreen() ;leave flash full screen with a keyboard command