--- title: Albino Komodo dream: dated date: 2022-04-10 --- I was visiting a friends house for a Sunday lunch as he'd bought a quite friendly Komodo dragon as a pet and wanted me to see it. When we got there I was asked to put the beef joint in the oven however nobody seemed to be able to find one and were considering going to a supermarket to buy a replacement. I eventually took charge and found it sat on the middle shelf of the fridge exactly where you'd expect it to be. I turned on the oven and put in the pre-prepared tray. I went to the living room and was immediately set upon by the pet Komodo dragon who happened to also be extremely muscular and albino. The dragon itself was man-sized, had a Pitbulls' head and also had very long finger-like claws instead of paws. Everyone was laughing about how friendly he was and how I'd made friends so quickly as we continued brawling, rolling around on the floor, with the fight getting increasingly violent as he tried to crush my skull in his jaws.