--- title: Easter slap dream: dated date: 2024-04-15 --- It was late in the evening and I was staying at a home similar to my own but with a slightly different layout. A friend of mine had asked if he could crash there overnight while waiting for a plane and would leave early in the morning. I agreed to this, let him in and told him to post the keys back through the letterbox when he left. I went upstairs to bed but then was startled by screaming and shouting noises outside. I walked to my bedroom window and looked outside to the courtyard into another houses window but couldn't see anything happening in there. The noises continued so I ran upstairs and could just about see into the same house (somehow, via impossible geometry) while looking through a different, elevated viewpoint. Inside were a group of about four men stood in a circle around another bald man who was kneeling on the floor, wearing a pair of trousers, but no shirt. They were all shouting at him then eventually one of the surrounding men would slap him over the head and he'd cry out. I got a message on my phone from my friend downstairs asking what all the noise was and informing me he'd started eating part of an easter egg that I'd been given earlier by another friend.