--- title: "2019 New Year's Resolutions" date: 2019-01-07T09:19:00 tags: ["Health", "Lifestyle", "Lists"] --- So long as I remember, I'll try to update this list at the end of the year, with what's been done and what hasn't. * ~~Bed by midnight~~ * Cure Eczema * Drink less alcohol * ~~Finish Danish and update Norwegian Duolingo Courses~~ * Idle steam cards * ~~Paperwork sorted promptly~~ * ~~Reach then maintain 71kg weight~~ Ruined by a December binge * Store config files on GitHub * Sunrise/Wake up lamp/bedside table * ~~Laptop Linux~~ Hypothetical/2020 ones include: * Cold(er/ish) showers * Desktop Linux * Polyphasic sleep * Start Crypto Daytrading * Start to meditate * Switch jobs * Upgrade broadband connection/reduce price * Use a VPN * Workout Regimen: Weights, Walks, Push-ups, Pull-ups and Planks * Finish Spanish Duolingo Course * Finish Discworld Book Series Previous years completed resolutions are: * ~~[Media directory logger](https://git.minskio.co.uk/cgit.cgi/logger/.git/)~~ * ~~[One book a week](https://minskio.co.uk/reading-list/)~~ * ~~Erase *stash*~~ * ~~Export/Import chromium search engines~~ Negated via firefox bookmarks * ~~Ketogenic diet~~ * ~~Shave Head~~ ** Updated 2020-01-02 **