--- title: "2020 New Year's Resolutions" date: 2020-01-02T14:40:00 lastmod: 2020-06-29T11:43:00 tags: ["Health", "Lifestyle", "Lists"] --- Another year, another list. Here goes nothing. Continue to do: * Bed by midnight * Ketogenic diet * [Media directory logger](https://git.minskio.co.uk/cgit.cgi/logger/.git/) * [One book a week](/reading-list/) * Paperwork sorted promptly New additions: * [65kg weight](/weight/) * Brush teeth twice daily * [~~Config files to git repo~~](/notes-on-storing-dotfiles/) * Cure eczema * Desktop Linux * Document server processes more * ~~Dry January~~ * Finish started works (Discworld, Culture, Mortal Engines, etc) * [~~Idle steam cards~~](https://github.com/JonasNilson/idle_master_extended) * Improve food journal and weight scripts * Revert seedbox back to Hetzner using VPN * Robust (and documented) backup process * ~~Run 5K at the gym in under 40 minutes~~ * Workout Regimen Potentials additions: * Colder/ish showers * Configure router to use a VPN * [~~Coreboot Thinkpads~~](/flashing-skulls-to-a-thinkpad-x230t/) * OpenWRT Wireless AP * Crypto Daytrading/penny stocks * ~~Erase *stash*~~ * Finish Spanish duolingo course * House improvements * Investigate shrooms * Polyphasic sleep * Switch jobs