--- title: "Zeroing out a drive on Windows" date: 2020-08-28T20:34:00 tags: ["Guides", "Servers", "Snippets", "Software", "Windows"] --- Recently I sold a couple more of the hard drives that made up my SnapRAID array back when I had a Linux powered home server. Wanting to check over the drives one last time for SMART info, and bad sectors I noticed I hadn't wiped the drive, and there were still readable files and partitions there. Previously, I did this all via a USB3 dock on my Linux laptop using `dd`, but today we're on a Windows desktop, so let the adventure commence! The command we want to run, in an elevated command prompt is: ``` format g: /fs:NTFS /p:1 ``` In this example, we're formatting drive **G**. The `/p` parameter here is what's doing the zeroing, indicating the number of passes. Now to **fully** clean a drive, after the above you can wipe the partition table from the disk by running: ``` start > run > cmd diskpart list disk select disk 1 clean ``` And you're done.