--- title: Chicken Thigh Curry recipe: keto --- * Servings: 6 * Carbs: Approx 10g per serving * Prep Time: 10 minutes * Cooking Time: 45 minutes # Ingredients * 600g chicken thighs * 200g chopped tomatoes * 40g creamed coconut * 1x medium onion * 1x green pepper * 1x medium cauliflower * 2x fresh chili peppers (optional) * 1x bunch fresh coriander * 4x tsp curry powder * 2x tsp garlic granules * 2x tsp cumin * 2x tsp coriander * 2x tsp smoked paprika * 1x tsp cayenne pepper * 1x tsp chili powder * salt and pepper # Process * Chop onion and pepper finely and shallow fry in a deep pan until softened * If using fresh chili, chop thinly and add to the pan * Cut chicken thighs using scissors into roughly 2cm squares and add to the pan * Add remaining ground spices and incorporate into mix * Continue frying until chicken is cooked through, then add chopped tomatoes * Using a serated knife, grate creamed coconut into curry and mix until right consistency * In a separate pan, grate cauliflower and fry until slightly golden brown * Finely chop your coriander, mix half into the curry and use remaining half as garnish Source: Self