# i3blocks configuration file # # The i3blocks man page describes the usage of the binary, # and its website describes the configuration: # # https://vivien.github.io/i3blocks # Global properties command=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sway/i3blocks_modules $BLOCK_NAME separator=false separator_block_width=15 markup=pango [battery] interval=60 [volume] interval=once signal=10 [backlight] interval=once signal=11 [temperature] interval=10 [disk] interval=15 [crypto] interval=1800 [rss] interval=1800 [mail] interval=1800 # [documentation] # full_text=Documentation # website=https://vivien.github.io/i3blocks # command=xdg-open "$website" # color=#f12711 # [funky] # full_text=Roses and violets! # markup=pango # [greetings] # color=#f5af19 # command=echo "Hello, $USER!" # interval=once [date] interval=10 [power] color=#ff0000 interval=once