path: root/content/posts/
blob: 98024098d4f72915b9f0cc898b8fc1991539d659 (plain) (tree)

title: "2021 New Year's Resolutions"
date: 2021-01-09T10:05:00
tags: ["Health", "Lifestyle", "Lists"]

Another year, another list. Here goes nothing:

* [64kg weight](/weight/)
* Bed by midnight
* Dry January
* FOSS Wi-Fi card
* Home workout regimen
* Investigate shrooms
* Multiboot desktop Linux
* OpenWRT wireless AP
* Revert seedbox back to Hetzner using VPN
* Run 5K at the gym in a reasonable time
* Server 2.0 Project (email, unified chat, seedbox)
* Start Japanese Duolingo course